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Saturday, March 21, 2009

too bad ASHLEY never get in final
our sch got 1ST and 2ND for K1 500 women under 15(kimberlyn and dianty)
AFTER national junior here comeNATIONAL
must work hard lo
my timing oni 2.58 (very slow)
shit coach say must be 250
die very stress how i scare later on tat day i go out of place
but i don wad to do leh
on fri we got like a race with the other T2
so fun (ok lame)
this holiday like not fun wan leh almost everyday go train becoz of th coming NATIONAL lo(idiot)
feel like sleeping everytime go training must wake up so early de
den take bus go there
oh my i relly think T2 is fun lo i THINK (think oni) is easy leh (not showing off) maybe becoz use to it le bah coz alway take this boat
all the other sec1 take T1
got one girl from 101 or 102 get in national pro lo
sry hor if you think i keep on blog abt canoeing (it is becoz it is real fun you should go try it maybe you will love it and wan to change cca)
but after a lot of training your hand and leg will get big and strong

ta ta♥
12:43 AM

Saturday, March 14, 2009

today is th nation Junior women and men under 18
den my sch 1st time take part in nation junior (LAST time oni take part in NATION but not NATION JUNIOR) den the women under 18 is like got i think oni a few sec and all is JC lo
den our K2 is joey and esther den they paddle paddle until reach th end le CAPSIZE but luckly they pass th goal le~
i ps dun dare to shout for ashley but i got hor
i shout for everyone K4 oso have shout
i was like: Go ASHLEY
GO K4( cos got 4 ppl den shout too ma fan)
bah bah bah......

tmr oso have this time is WOMEN AND MEN UNDER 15
i will oso shout to support mah
oh ya rite den SONYA was GO KC GO KC DUN GIVE UP GO
(wa very loud like no voice liao)
but ok lah for th 1st time went in to semi final but lose after that cos all is JC not fair lo but i think tmr maybe will be better cos we got our two strong wan (dianty and miss NELO Kimberlyn) and tmr is under 15 so NO JC (yea~)

ta ta♥
6:07 AM

Friday, March 13, 2009

tmr is the competition le (yea) but i am not in it (the~) my boat type is not selected this year (too bad)
but i shout loud loud for my sch wan and extra loud for ASHLEY yea
wa she take part in two event (K1 1000m and K1 500m) GO ASHLEY GO KC ( but i not les lah)but becoz of tat i cannot go ECP and ned to wake up at 5 (damn it)for both sat and sun
i dun understand why our sch ned three coaches lo like money drop from sky like tat dun one call Alex chua den got Jonathan den new one call wad Wei kang i think.....

march holiday coming .....though can rest de ...haistill have cca mon tue fri got canoeing lo donno wad star smth one den must go cannot skip
thurs oso got oni tue dun have cca but got project ned to do got project work's project ,Chinese news maker project,PE oso got hw dunno why bloody shit hai hw a lot a lot arh dying

anyway looking forward to tmr shouting for ASHLEY (YEA~)

GO KC!!!!

ta ta♥
7:07 AM

Friday, March 6, 2009

OH NO,i should have go for ODAC on thursday coz got class gathering then on that day my .....(you noe cant relly do water sport lah) so i decide not to go den ,u noe happen my coach gf came (AHHHHHH.... i wan to see den i didnt lo not fair i go she never go i dont go she go)den my friend that went say his gf no pretty (short thin andFLAT(oh my..))aiya don noe lah i oso never see maybe i think pretty leh
den bcoz i never go my partner have to row T19because we row two pp wan i never go she have to row herself) she scold me lo say : HWEIXIN you never come coacch make me go on my own!!!! you better on sat or else......(scary sia brrrr....)

ta ta♥
6:30 AM

Saturday, February 28, 2009

long time never post le lo
cos got a lot of hw lo den got cca lo
don understand why cca must be on Saturday one make me so early wake up then take bus to bedok reservoir there from 7.45 to 1.00 like tat bah
there so hot i balck black liao lo
but is fun lah cos i take T2 mah den is two ppl one den can tok and tok and tok .....
T1 oni one ppl very sian sian one (sing to urself lo if bored)
the REAL coach is nice the FAKE coach eee don like him
yesterday is ELIZA bday (Yeah~)
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to ELIZA
happy birthday to you

ta ta♥
9:26 PM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ANgry arhhh
today got canoelong cher(alex chua chua) wan us to have a race (500m)
No choose go lo go lo den wind big mah so keep goin right den hor never cross over my lane
den th other class one (sec1) down there say eww she cheat one cheat one BUT lucky cher saw me den say(i go see if she cheat i will said one)hehe luckily or esle they will keep saying i cheat
den whole trainin like not happy one (bleh) relly damn bloodly ass one lo got no eye to see (they got no eye but got ping pong ball as their eye lo) hai sian go canoeling lo

ta ta♥
6:06 AM

Saturday, February 7, 2009

hey hey peeps
ahhhhhh i black black le (but not very)after goin ODAC
HOHO but i had lots of fun canoeling in BR oso very lei lah
aiya th coach suddenly wan to change my paddle (shit!) from the red and flat flat one to all black and round round(damn hard to use arh)
yeah on sat i oso get to try T2(two ppl one) den me and my friend were like goin left then right left den right take so long to go two round
one ppl better (easier)to use lo
all the senior go 10+++ round i oni go 8 round hand cramp le
weather very hot so will get black black very faster one hai
den dunnno next lesson i will still being using the black paddle a not (hope not)pray hard

ta ta♥
9:19 PM